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Exclusive Offers for FSA Members
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10% Off SimFab Products

  • Redeemable via SimFab Redeem Discount
  • Available to:All FSA Members
  • Proudly provided to FSA Members by:SimFab


Elevate your flight simulation experience with SimFab and save 10% for being an FSA Member!
SimFab's flight simulation setups offer dedicated flight cockpit base packages with upgradeable add-on modules, allowing users to scale up their specific setup. 

All flight simulation cockpits are designed around SimFab's patented seat base design complete with a removable center foam insert. The seat base’s slanted cutout allows for the adjustment of the mounted stick or helicopter cyclic to within a proper arm’s reach, as well as full motion of the stick without protruding into seat foam. 

SimFab has solutions for all flight controls: civilian, military, helicopters, and more, adapted to the way you want it. For more information or to design your custom setup, call 1-888-299-2746, toll free within Canada and the United States. 
10% Off SimFab Products